College Motto, Song and War Cry
College Motto
‘Fide et Labore’ which means Through Faith and Hard Work
College Song
Whenever call of duty sounds,
Whenever true hearts can make a stand,
There, indeed, we shall be found
St Pius’ sons will lend a hand.
Throughout the years, whatever the test
Your sons have stood with the brave and best,
At home or abroad, upholding ideas we adore!
When faith is imperiled or culture required,
Your sons are the foremost, defending the right;
Their arms are strong and their hearts inspired,
With lessons learnt ‘neath the blue and gold!
College War Cry
Choral Group
Wood Chatta Wood.
Wood Chatta Wood.
Wood Chatta, Chatta Chatta,
Wood Wood Wood.
Sizza Boom Bah.
Sizza Boom Bah.
Chatswood, Chatswood,
Rah Rah Rah
Canna Canna Woof Woof,
Chatswood, Chatswood,
Blue – Gold – Blue
C-H-A-T-S-W-double O – D,